Bryllup: Wedding Ring Exchange Tradition in Norway
Before writing about wedding rings let s have an overview about the historical aspects of this betrothal gift. It goes back centuries ago and started in Ancient Rome. Some historians imply that the ring s history goes back to even older than Ancient Rome era. The matrimonial ring symbolizes a promise of union between man and wife. In many European countries traditionally they engrave their name and date of marriage on the ring. This is a sentimental and romantic gesture of the couple s union and marriage. This is a promise between bride and groom about reminding to each other of the date when they got united and married.
In Catholic Christian church, exchanging the wedding rings is not part of the wedding. They have a two ring exchange ceremony: the groom s ring is gold and the bride s ring is silver and they are blessed by the priest with the Holy Water.
The priest gives blessing to the groom with the bride’s ring. The groom places the ring on the left hand and puts on her finger. The priest and the best man exchange the ring three times. In Orthodox Church of Greece, they do it separately. In Norway the groom places ring on bride s finger and the bride does the same. The most commonly wedding rings in Norway is a ring with series of small diamond stones set around it. When groom places the ring on brides finger, then places the engagement ring in front of it. Sometimes the engagement ring and wedding ring comes to gather. Sometimes groom gives as a gift some other jewelry that matches with the ring such as earrings, bracelet, necklace and brooch.
In Norway after marriage, the bride should wear the ring on her finger of their left hand. This is a symbolic declaration of their eternal love for each other.
In some other countries the wedding ring is placed on the right hand s finger and in some other countries and cultures the exchange some additional rings such as: toe ring that they wear on their toe instead of on a finger.
In Norway couples celebrate their 25 years of wedding anniversary by exchanging the silver wedding rings and the 50th wedding anniversary by exchanging gold rings. Some couples remove the rings sometimes for their safety for example those who have security professionals such as: oil platform workers, North sea platform engineers, police officers, those people who work at food industry and electrical. They usually placed the ring on their neck as necklace.
Wearing the wedding ring on left hand is a symbol of eternal love for one another and the ring gets less damaged on the left hand. Another reason that the couples wear the wedding ring on their right left hand is that because of being right handed, wearing it on the left hand keep the ring safer from damages or lost.
If you wish to find a wedding location in Norway, have a look at bryllupslokaler.com. This is the most comprehensive wedding venue directory in Norway.
bryllup, Bryllup Bryllup
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